
corpuls3 and iOS. Connected.

Written by Adrienne Bowe | May 31, 2022 12:57:43 PM

iPad Connectivity

corpuls3 is the first defibrillator to connect directly with Apple iPads and enables full EPR integration.


30,000 iPads for ambulance crews 

In May 2021 NHS Chief Executive Sir Simon Stevens announced that 30,000 iPads will be issued to ambulance crews to send photographs from the scene of an accident and to access vital health records helping them assess patients’ injuries and decide whether they should be taken to hospital or treated at the scene.


Future Proofing with Apple iOS integration

The corpuls3 now fully integrates with Apples iOS and enables Ambulance Services to reap the benefit of innovations in the transfer, analysis, and interpretation of data.


With iOS integration, EPR systems can now push patient data direct to the corpuls3 devices, so the paramedics don’t have to. All ECGs, vital parameters and events can be sent automatically to the EPR allowing for smoother and more accurate handover of patients to receiving hospitals. When connected via GSM or WLAN, live transmission of all mission data can be sent to hospitals or specialist clinicians to help provide immediate support where required or make decisions on where to take patients for further treatment. Utilising the conferencing facility, missions using the corpuls system can initiate video calls with multiple other ‘tactical units’ at once, sending images, videos, voice notes and messages. 


corpuls.mission LIVE

The full suite of corpuls products delivers digital transformation and seamless, secure data transfer. Data transmission over WiFi, 4G, or locally via Low Energy Bluetooth (LE BT) allows bi-directional transfer of live data to Electronic Patient Records (EPR), Hospitals, specialist clinicians or other tactical units that may be providing support.


The transmission and storage of this data allows for crew debriefs on specific missions, or as aggregate dashboards across teams, units, regions, or nations over a specified time period. This all helps to make better decisions, improve workflows and learn from data like never before. 


ECGmax – the corpuls revolution of the ECG

Connection to the corpuls live system also allows for 22-Lead ECGs (from the standard placement of your 12-Lead) allowing clinicians to view the right-hand side of the heart, orthogonal leads and vector loops. Additionally, clinicians can also benefit from the Cardio Electrical Biomarker calculation – supporting in field diagnosis of NSTEMI.


Click here to learn more about our range of Corpuls products.